It's that time of year again, gentle readers when I go on my perpetual Valentine's Day rant. For those of you currently in the throes of a dizzy romance, just read on and shake your head at how jaded I am. Then come back to it in about a year and a half. That's right. Because romance is rubbish and Valentine's Day is the high holy day of nauseating delusion and of course, marketing. If the jewelry store ads were honest they would say "Compensate your wife for putting up with you for another year! A tennis bracelet is cheaper than divorce!"
Or perhaps, "Get a necklace for your girlfriend this Valentine's Day and she
may go down on you! Sure it would be cheaper and more of a sure thing to go to the
Happy Fortunes Health Spa but that will make you feel dirty inside."

That's the ugly truth. Not
that Ugly Truth. Even the presence of Gerard Butler couldn't persuade me to endure that movie, yet another comedy that uses irreverent 'guy humour' and sex as the bait on a barbed hook of what is obviously a chick flick. However, the picture says it all. The truth is that love, that breathless, passionate whirlwind that feels like a family of chipmunks in your gut, that kind of love is a myth.
What?! Yes indeed. As far as Mother Nature is concerned, we are meat puppets she moves around with hormones in order to ensure a constant supply of more little meat puppets and so on. Eventually she will probably change her game plan in light of how messy we have made the place but for now it's the mating game all the way. And the chief puppet string in all this is
oxytocin. It's this hormone that makes us go on the crazy love bender. It engenders feelings of elation and suppresses cortisol, the stress hormone that we restaurant people are junkies for. It makes us feel safe and all tingly inside. It makes us feel in love. What produces oxytocin, you may ask. Well let's just say there's a lot of it going around at the
Happy Fortunes Health Spa. Blowjobs. Yep. And all that good stuff. Orgasms are nothing but oxytocin generators and when you're trippin' on that stuff you feel just like Bella in a meadow with Edward, frozen in a moment of endless adoration. But, like sparkly vegetarian emo vampires, this feeling is
"How could this EVER get old?" |
Of course it feels authentic while you're experiencing it. The Flower Children in the '60's really believed the Age of Aquarius was upon us and the
Nuwabians believe in the Spell of Kingu. Seriously, Google it. The point is that the use of drugs persist in our society because they
work. Love is just another of these chemical compounds. It looks like this:
Mmmm.That's good lovin'. |
this makes me laugh so much. great outlook, and so true!
P.s.: I just watched The Ugly Truth. It was even worse than I thought it could be. There wasn't even a second in which Gerard Butler was shirtless. The only man action in it was a shirtless scene with the 'love interest', a dude who I'm almost positive is a gay porn star trying to make his break into actual movies. Predictable, about as funny as watching Nancy Grace, and with a terrible soundtrack. Just appalling.
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